Sunday, June 7, 2009


Well this seems to be the week for people to spout off, so here goes…

I have been reading all the posts filling my inbox this past week regarding the awards/recognition project and I must say I’m really frustrated by all this talk of “community. I think we all agree on what we would like our theater community to be, but based on this past week we clearly have a long way to go before we get there.

What kind of “community” do we have where the mere mention of a particular theater company or individual will literally cause a rolling of the eyes out of disdain for the type of work they create?

What kind of “community” do we have where many of the artistic directors in town (and we all know who they are) rarely venture out of their own theaters to see, experience and support our “community”? (I only exclude actors from this same point, because, theoretically, we’re all working and too busy, right?)

What kind of “community” do we have where the mere mention of an idea to develop, support and promote the Milwaukee theater scene, not just within the city – but potentially on a national level, is met with scorn, dismay and downright anger before the particulars are even made public? How about spreading a little of the “Free Speech” we all seem so hot for?

As for the idea that theater is not competitive…talk to two Managing Directors of two companies with large productions opening the same weekend. Talk to every Artistic Director in town who has struggled to come up with a rival to “A Christmas Carol”. I do understand the difference between the ideal art and the real business of theater. We all work very hard to create our version of the world and express ourselves in a way that the public will understand and appreciate. But, honey, as long as you cash that paycheck, it’s a business…and business is competitive.

Nearly every city I’ve lived in has had some sort of annual award/recognition/celebration event to promote theater. Why not Milwaukee? Did it bring about the end of creation? Definitely not. Sure, there will always be the second-guessing of the “winners” brought about by differences of opinions and insecurities. Welcome to the theater.

For myself, I’m on the fence. I see great benefit from the idea and I agree that this is clearly something that must be handled with care and foresight, since the mere rumor has created such a flap. But quite frankly, I’m not sure the Milwaukee theater “community” is grown up enough to truly embrace something like this yet.

Bryce Lord